Treating Endometriosis Naturally
What is Endometriosis? Why is it so painful? How do I know if I have Endometriosis? and What are the tips for treating Endometriosis naturally?
Endometriosis is when the tissue found in the womb lining starts growing outside the uterus and relocates to other areas of the body that it really shouldn’t be growing in. The tissue called the endometrium can move to the ovaries, abdomen, bladder, bowel and Fallopian tubes.
Endometriosis is a complex condition that is as common as diabetes but often misdiagnosed or not taken seriously. It commonly takes around 10 years to get a proper diagnosis.
The pain associated with Endometriosis stems for the hormones that trigger your monthly cycle to cause this endometrial tissue to bleed and slough off just like the lining in your uterus. The trapped blood has nowhere to go and can cause significant pain.
In the long term this leads to chronic inflammation as well as the formation of scar tissue and adhesions that progress over time.
The cause of Endometriosis is not 100% clear, but it has been agreed upon that it is an inflammatory condition and behaves like an autoimmune condition.
The cyclic hormonal changes, exogenous oestrogen exposure, environmental toxins and dietary and lifestyle factors can all contribute your levels of pain and inflammation.
Signs you may have Endometriosis
· Severe period pain
· Pain during sex
· Painful bowel movements – this can explain why you can’t have a normal poo
· Bleeding in between periods
· Heavy periods
· Bloating
· Pain while peeing – this can happen when the endometrial tissue is on your bladder
· Cramping pain in the abdomen
· IBS and SIBO like symptoms
· Recurrent UTIs
How is Endometriosis diagnosed?
The gold standard for definitively diagnosing Endometriosis is a laparoscopy. This in itself can lead to further problems with scarring and adhesions. However, it can also lead to considerable improvements in pain levels and in regards to fertility it may be necessary to fall pregnant
A physical examination by a gynaecologist can sometime diagnose depending on the location and severity of it
An advanced ultrasound with proper bowel preparation may give an indication, but is not 100% reliable.
Limit or avoid foods that cause inflammation
Sugar, gluten, caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, dairy (especially A1), meat (some women do ok with organic and grass-fed) can increase inflammation and worsen pain.
Reduce excess oestrogen in the body and from the environment
Removing soy, increasing fibre in your diet, minimising exposure from xeno-oestrogens, plastics or hormone disrupting chemicals in your body products. Some women need a little more support with improving liver clearance of these hormones and bringing their bodies back into a healthy weight range.
Restoring the microbiome a healthy gut microbiome can help harmonise hormones, improve mood, reduce inflammation and of course modulate the immune system so this is a really big focus of treatment.
Herbs and Supplements to support and treat Endometriosis
We love these herbs and nutritional supplementation for optimal menstrual health, wellbeing and for reducing inflammation. Our favourites are:
Turmeric – anti-inflammatory and potent antioxidant. It helps suppress the local production of oestrogen in endometrial lesions.
Boswellia – anti-inflammatory
Shatavari helps with oestrogen displacement, libido and hormonal balance
Rehmannia is a tonic, enriches the blood is anti-inflammatory and immune enhancing.
St Mary’s Thistle – help with the detoxification of oestrogen and has liver protective qualities.
CoQ10 – reduces oxidative stress in the body, is a powerful anti-oxidant and can improve menstrual flow and colour.
Zinc - regulates the immune system, repairs intestinal permeability, is anti-inflammatory and reduces Pain
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) - decreases abnormal cell growth, decreased inflammation and reduced inflammatory genes. NAC also supports the production of glutathione in the liver, which is a potent antioxidant and also helps to reduce anxiety.
Magnesium – reduces pain, improves sleep, fuels cellular energy production, benefits anxiety, helps with PMS, and blood sugar regulation.
Whilst Endometriosis is a complex condition, there are many factors which can be successfully managed or treated with natural medicine. A holistic approach can be used to reduce symptoms and improve fertility outcomes.
These strategies are what we delve into and explore during our appointments together at my women’s health natural fertility clinic. Click here to book an appointment
I am a naturopath, clinical nutritionist, mother, nature lover and yoga enthusiast – just to name a few of my passions. I’m a degree-qualified naturopath, and I help women have more rich and fertile lives. I have a passion for helping women restore balance to their hormones, connect with their fertility and lead epic vibrant lives. Learn more about how you can work with me here.