Breath for Fertility

What our breath does? The effects of shallow breathing? What are signs your body is acidic? And, why breathing is so important for fertility?

The importance of breathing properly is important for living a fertile life and creating a fertile body. The benefits of proper breathing and meditation are irrefutable and may be your ticket to an instant feel good way of being.


The way in which you breathe could be affecting your mood, sleep, digestion, energy levels, nervous system, brain and really your entire body.

Every time you inhale air you are taking in oxygen and every time you breathe out you are expelling carbon dioxide (CO²). Our respiratory system helps balance our body’s pH level (how acidic or alkaline we are) through the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.


When we don’t breathe properly such as taking shallow breaths or even hold our breath we don’t take in enough oxygen, and we don’t exhale completely (you would be surprised how often you may do this, particularly when stressed, angry, or even when doing a yoga pose!). This then leads to an accumulation of carbon dioxide (CO²) which leads to acidification of the blood.

Your breathe reflects your emotions, thoughts and feelings – so if you are tense and stressed then likely your breathing will be short and ineffective. A shallow breath only half fills the lungs. In contrast, when you take a deep breath and completely fill up the lungs and diaphragm then you are also completely emptying your lungs which helps reduce the amount of CO² in your body. This makes your body more alkaline.

Signs that your body is acidic

  • reduced energy levels

  • inflammation

  • insulin resistance

  • lowered immunity

  • poor bone health and

  • dis-ease

  • your anion gap is elevated on your pathology results (*)

The solution to poor breathing habits is to simply become aware of the way in which you breathe throughout the day and then consciously reshape these patterns.


When we are stressed and feel fear, frustration, and worry, the identical emotions are being experienced in the abdomen. The same neuropeptides that register stress in the brain are also produced in the intestines. By reducing your stress levels, you are also reducing the stress levels that are experienced by your baby.

Numerous clinical trials have shown that the hugely positive effects on the brain from meditation translate into benefits for our sense of happiness, wellbeing and physical health.

  • more loving-kindness

  • increased deep and restful sleep

  • positive mood – it triggers the feel good chemicals in the body

  • increased energy

  • reduced stress levels

  • increased sense of purpose

  • increases self esteem

  • improved immunity

  • decreased symptoms – stress, headaches, insomnia, painful menstruation, anxiety, depression, chronic pain

IVF and Meditation

There is also evidence to suggest that women undergoing assisted reproduction such as IVF have reported:

  • reduced stress and anxiety levels

  • improved self-compassion

  • better at coping emotionally (adaptive emotion regulation)

  • ability to become more present / a significant increase in mindfulness

  • reduced judgement and see their infertility in a new light

My Favourite Breathing Technique

Breathing deeply is a form of meditation, and when practiced mindfully daily the benefits can be significant. Imagining feeling more energetic, feeling less stressed, more calm, grounded and centred….

Here is one of my favourite methods to help you breathe deeply:

·         Take some time out in a place that is quiet where you can relax

·         Close your eyes and let your body relax and settle

·         Sit with your spine tall and long

·         Inhale through your nose (and fill up your diaphragm so your belly expands) for eight seconds

·         Hold your breath for four seconds

·         Then exhale out through your nose for eight seconds

·         Repeat this process for several minutes each day


(*) when we work together you will learn about any nutritional deficiencies, inflammation levels, hormonal imbalances, adrenal and thyroid dysfunction and how acidic your body is. This is done through standard pathology testing.

Learning how to breathe properly and having the tools that will help increase your resilience, improve your energy, mental clarity and happiness are what we delve into during our appointments together at my women’s health natural fertility clinic. Click here to book an appointment.

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Tori Bowes

I am a naturopath, clinical nutritionist, mother, nature lover and yoga enthusiast – just to name a few of my passions. I’m a degree-qualified naturopath, and I help women have more rich and fertile lives.  I have a passion for helping women restore balance to their hormones, connect with their fertility and lead epic vibrant lives. Learn more about how you can work with me here.