Nourishing Yourself For A Fertile Life

Our ability to nourish ourselves depends both on the quality of nourishment, and also on our openness and ability to allowing ourselves to be nourished.

Yes, nourishment comes from nutritious food and a good attitude around food. But it also comes from everything around us. We nourish our body with fresh clean air, by spending time in nature, surrounding ourselves with positive like-minded people, through the enjoyment of beautiful music and the appreciation of artistic expression. We feed our desire for connection through community and we calm our mind through relaxation, meditation, and focusing on the present moment.

There is so much conflicting information about nourishment and today everyone seems to be interested, almost obsessed by nutrition. Diet is vital to good health and having a FERTILE LIFE, but digestion and the assimilation of nutrients and the ability to RECEIVE is everything.

Food is absolutely the first step in helping the body heal itself. I believe that a balanced and healthy attitude about food is essential – if we are rigid, controlling and obsessive about food we are not allowing foods to nourish and nurture our cells. I see women all the time who have such a tight grip on everything that passes their lips that they have lost the sweetness and joy in life. It’s almost as if the harder they try the worse they become.

You can do every health protocol under the sun, eat the ‘right’ foods, take the ‘right’ supplements, use all the best ‘super foods’ but these aren’t going to fix you unless you address the underlying root cause. All the kombucha and kale in the world isn’t going to fix you until learn to truly nourish yourself on all levels – physical, mental, spiritual and on a soul level.

You need to honestly ask yourself why your body isn’t healing.

·         Do you need to make different choices?

·         Do you need to set boundaries and learn to say no to things that no longer serve you?

·         Do the people you surround yourself with light you up?

·         Do your friends enrich your life and bring about the best in you, or do they drain you?

·         Do you have good work life balance?

·         Do you allow yourself time to reflect and simply BE?

We are running around trying to do everything and be everything to everyone. This is a very big and real struggle I see with my clients.

As well as extending nourishment to others we must learn to protect and nourish ourselves; this is the true meaning of being well nourished.

When was the last time that you felt truly nourished? I mean well nourished on every level of your being….

Do you know how to receive help?

Are you always doing things for everything else and no one doing things for you?

Slow down, and be kind and gentle with yourself.

Now is the time to love your body, be grateful for all that she provides for you and learn to truly nourish yourself. 

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Tori Bowes

I am a naturopath, clinical nutritionist, mother, nature lover and yoga enthusiast – just to name a few of my passions. I’m a degree-qualified naturopath, and I help women have more rich and fertile lives.  I have a passion for helping women restore balance to their hormones, connect with their fertility and lead epic vibrant lives. Learn more about how you can work with me here.

Fertility MindsetTori Bowes