Heal Your Gut With Liquid Gold
Benefits of healing bone broth:
When homemade stock is gently simmered for a long period of time, many gut healing nutrients are extracted from the bones into the liquid. These include beneficial minerals, vitamins and amino acids. These nutrients support the immune system and contains healing compounds like collagen, glutamine, glycine and proline. By regularly consuming broth in between meals or whilst cooking, you are nourishing your body and healing your gut.
What are the rewards:
- better digestion
- improved immunity
- stronger nails, hair and glowing skin
- reduced intestinal inflammation
- improves joint inflammation
- improved fertility
What you’ll need:
A whole organic chicken/ chicken carcass/ whole fish/ fish bones/ organic lamb and/or organic beef meat bones, knuckles and joints.
The meat and bones can be either fresh, roasted or frozen. It helps reduce wastage and means that you can get a couple of meals out of the meat, and healing broth for a week or two. Bones left over from a roast can be frozen and used when you have some time to make the broth.
Additional Ingredients
Apple Cider Vinegar – 1 Tbsp
10 Black Peppercorns
Himalayan/ Celtic Sea Salt - a coupe of pinches
At least 4 litres filtered, or spring water
Optional extras: celery, onion, garlic, leek, carrot, potato turmeric, dried ginseng root, 2 red dates (from Chinese grocer), chilli, coriander root, parsley, rosemary, oregano, thyme and bay leaves.
What to do:
Put joints, carcass, bones and any meat, of fish/ chicken/ beef/ lamb, into a large pot (or slow cooker), add peppercorns, salt, optional herbs and veg and fill with enough water to cover. Bring to the boil.
Cover and then reduce heat to a simmer for 2-72 hours (the longer the better). Longer cooking times are easier if you have a slow cooker.
Remove the bones, joints and meat.
Pour the stock through a sieve to remove small bones and peppercorns. Discard the scum that floats on the top of the stock, but KEEP THE FAT!
It is important to extract bone marrow from the larger meat bones. This provides nutrients which support the immune system. While they are still warm, bang the tubular bones on a wooden chopping board and add the marrow to the broth.
How to enjoy your Bone Broth.
Drink 1-3 cups, warm, per day between meals. Celtic salt or Himalayan slat can be added for extra flavour and minerals. A pinch of seaweed Dulse flakes is a great source of iodine necessary for healthy thyroid function and metabolism.
Use as a stock with vegetables, herbs and meat in soups, stews and homemade gravies. Also great for cooking grains such as quinoa, amaranth, millet and rice, adding flavour and nutrition.
The broth keeps for 3 days in the fridge, or 3 months in the freezer.
A good trick is to make the stock and when it has cooled down place in ice cube trays – easy to pop into other dishes.