Fertility Secrets for 2020
Wanting 2020 to be THE year that you fall pregnant or restore balance to your hormones?
Here are my go to easy, steps that you can do right now to improve your fertility
Nourish yourself with real whole foods
Sounds simple but in today’s society where food is fast and convenience is easy, often if we haven’t planned, allowed time to prepare our foods and are in a eating rut then maybe we aren’t eating enough foods to nourish our bodies and our ovaries.
Eat a rainbow, make sure vegetables/salad fill up half your plate and eat a wide range of different fruits and vegetables.
Eat organic
Organic is best when you want to reduce your exposure to pesticides, insecticides, fungicides xenoestrogens and genetically modified crops. Your body will have more time for digestion, assimilating nutrients, feeling energetic if it has less work to do in getting rid of unnecessary toxins.
Reducing foods, drugs and behaviours that harm
Alcohol, smoking, caffeine and drugs (recreational or pharmaceutical) have all shown to be detrimental to your body and the health of your baby. We can find sexier alternatives so you don’t feel deprived and work on the triggers that make you want them in the first place.
Reduce acidity and Inflammation in your body
Alcohol, excess red meat, processed foods, and refined sugar are all inflammatory foods. Cow’s dairy has been linked to making your oestrogen receptors hypersensitive and contributing to acne and oestrogen dominance.
Get your body moving
Feeling the energy flow through your body is so important and maintaining a healthy weight makes you feel strong, energetic and vibrant. Moderate exercise for 30 minutes per day can improve your mood, improve your sleep and reduce stress levels.
Chill the F* out
Stress starts in the mind and effects your mood and your whole body. By incorporating more ways to reduce cortisol and decrease your stress levels you are helping balance your reproductive hormones as improving your fertility. Experiment with meditation, earthing, spending time in nature, reducing exposure to social media (especially if this is draining your energy and you find its become an addiction) and unnecessary Electromagnetic radiation (EMF).
Get off the hormones
Coming off the Oral Contraceptive Pill is a must to see what’s really happening with your hormones. Sometimes it can take months-years to restore your cycle and for your brain and ovaries to start communicating again. Contraception masks what is really going on in your body… so well before you start trying for a family, we need to see if your hormones are actually doing what they are supposed too!
Where’s your health really at? Do you need a FERTILITY HEALTH CHECK?
Get the necessary pathology tests done to make sure you don’t have any nutritional deficiencies, underlying conditions such as autoimmunity, inflammation, coeliac disease, thyroid conditions or hormonal imbalances that could prevent you from falling pregnant.
My favourite supplements for Fertility
- Vitex
- Shatavari
- CoQ10
- Peony
- Licorice
- Maca
- Pregnancy multi that has activated form of folate and is based on purity and no unnecessary nasties
- Essential Fatty Acids EPA and DHA
- Probiotic specific for reducing allergies and the incidence of asthma, eczema and atopy.
Taking these steps will help to balance and revitalise your reproductive hormones, improve egg quality, nourish the womb and reduce the stress of modern day living.
Now is the time to lovingly embrace your feminine side, connect with and understand our body’s natural rhythms and fertility signs.
I am a naturopath, clinical nutritionist, mother, nature lover and yoga enthusiast – just to name a few of my passions. I’m a degree-qualified naturopath, and I help women have more rich and fertile lives. I have a passion for helping women restore balance to their hormones, connect with their fertility and lead epic vibrant lives. Learn more about how you can work with me here.