How to Nourish and Prepare Your Body for Pregnancy
When you are starting a new family or adding to an existing one, pregnancy is a time of honouring your body, providing a nourishing environment for new life and connecting with your inner goddess.
As a mother and a Naturopath, I am fiercely protective over my family, their health, ensuring the home environment is toxin free, our food is wholesome and of course looking after my own health and wellbeing so that I can serve others.
When clients are ready to begin their journey into parenthood, we break down every aspect of their lives and work on providing the right environment for preconception – ultimately you want to give your child the absolute best start in life, and that means nourishing your body, eliminating toxins and providing a fertile ground in which a new life can flourish.
In an increasingly toxic world, there is now more need than ever to prepare your body for pregnancy and parenthood. Before the preconception period, it is important to detoxify heavy metals such as mercury, cadmium, arsenic, lead, and aluminum from the body. These metals can be detrimental to pregnancy and are often accumulated throughout a lifetime of exposure and stored in organs and adipose tissue.
You may even need to overhaul the products in the home environment. Body care and cosmetics are often the biggest culprits when it comes to chemical exposure. Literally hundreds of chemicals can be lathered and slapped on before you even leave the house in the morning – many of which can mimic oestrogen and wreak havoc with your hormones and energy levels.
Have you ever thought about what is really in the products that you use each and every day? Do you know what the exact ingredients in your beauty products, body care products, and cleaning products are? As part of your preconception and pregnancy plan we will review the products that you are using, which ones to replace and where you can find them.
Restoring balance and recognizing your fertile time
You want to be in a place where you are in tune with your body, you understand your moon cycle and recognize your fertile times. Stress and adrenal depletion are two big fertility blocks that I see frequently. Gut health also plays a role in regulating your hormones, as does your liver. You can optimise your fertility by providing your body with the right nutrients and food to bring it back to balance. By restoring harmony within the body you are giving yourself the best chance at a successful pregnancy.
If you want to give yourself the best chance at a healthy pregnancy, please make a booking at my clinic.
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